That grass outside has a nice color range but is speckled and distracting, maybe a tiny blur of 1-3 pixels or so might help ease that. That grass inside is very vibrant, I'd save that for parks. Your docks have a shadow with the sun in the bottom left, your walls have a shadow with the sun in the top left, but your buildings have no shadow and are highlighted with the sun in the bottom left mostly - the large inn-like buildings with many gables have sun in top left highlighting.

Personally, I like the bay and the docks the best. The docks have a slight stroke and it works pretty well with the water...maybe try that on the buildings as well. I might go and scrap all of that grass in favor of straight-forward coloring like the water...all that grass distracts from the building detail. That might be the whole problem, too much detail fighting for attention all over the place. The walls do look great, though Just my thoughts, follow them if you like.