The Dominion of Ur has some problems. The first is the labels. The font has the jaggies in many places and there are some kerning problems (In "Ur's Wrath" the gap between "W" and "r" is utterly out of proportion with the rest of the text.) I can't afford CC, so all I can suggest is experimenting with some other fonts.

There are also issues with the rivers. The first thing I noticed about them is that they got thinner downriver in places, where they would normally be thicker, having picked up more water. (Example: the river down to the sea from the Holy City of Ulm has a thinner stroke than either of the forks that come together at the Holy City. Then I got to the eastern river, which either has a clear river violation (running from sea to sea) or else the lower branch to the sea is a rather crooked canal with no nearby urban center to justify it.

Is that supposed to be volcanic fumes rising from the central mountains? I think I'm interpreting correctly now, but my first thought was a canyon or sands of some sort. The color isn't really "volcanic" enough to be clear if I'm right.

Are you going to add a scale, compass rose, or other information? If not, you might put some decorative items or expository text on the water, to keep it from being a vast blankness. Of course, you might want the vast blankness.

By the way, Davros01, have you voted in the latest competition? I figure a guy with that nick is my best chance to actually get a vote, for sentimental reasons, since I did a map of Skaro.