I just recently started messing with maptool myself but did you download all the free tiles and characters it offers?

Open up Maptool and go:

File>Add Resource to Library - this pops up a new window
Click on the Red Gear with the Sword and select whatever tile pack you want. I downloaded them all.

These will d/l to your version of MapTool and you can then use them to create maps.

They also have some nice little video tutorials that I just started which are really helpful.

Now you know as much as I do about MapTools...wasn't much was it? Hopefully, it will do what you want. I know the first time I looked at it I gave up as well until I watched a little video of someone actually using it. Now I want to see if I can use it as well.

If you are wanting to create worldmaps however, then yeah, I don't think MapTool is the right one for you.

I came across this table of VTTs that you might be interested in checking out...took a while to load tho (slow website I guess).

Hope that helps!