Thank you all for the compliments and the rep!!

Quote Originally Posted by Ramah View Post
My favourite bits are the trees, which are really effective.
That's good to hear! I wasn't entirely sure of them, because I couldn't remember quite how I got the ones on the first map done. I'm glad you like them.

Quote Originally Posted by Ramah View Post
I do wonder at the pirate's island being so close to the mainland though. Not very secretive is it?
In game, I'd totally have to do a, "Yes, that is rather strange, isn't it? I guess you'll have to investigate further...." But actually it was intended to have once been a pirate sanctuary, rather than a currently functioning one, and I guess I didn't really think about it. Hehe!

The thought behind a great deal of the little "right next door" adventures in Fellwick was that the spells that summoned the monsters that leveled it a long time ago also woke sleeping things (perhaps a hungry monster came up from deep within the earth and found a little pirate snack, and is now beginning to get hungry again? There's a little cave right in there... who knows where it leads...?), uncovered forgotten secrets (like the book of dark magic that Allastor found hidden within the west tower?), and disturbed the natural order of things (like the monks who died in the attack on the monastery never quite left, if you know what I mean...?)

I liked the idea that this place might not be exactly what it seems on the surface. What seems to be little random adventures everywhere could have roots in a deeper problem, and a thing like an abandoned building or an island with buried treasure could be just that, or they could be something more sinister.

For me, personally, I like thinking there might be a deeper mystery to solve.