Heh. Well. It's *highly approximate*. I cropped off the border, made a square the size of the map, scaled it by 50% and then by 33%, and used that to place some guides. Not exactly proper surveyor's tools!

@IG: Was wondering if you'd put any thought into the human culture of the area? Architectural influences, etc? With a border town you can get away with a nice mish-mash of stuff but, still, I don't want to conflict heavily with your conception of the culture.

A couple of things I've been thinking about:
1) A very high tower: The river provides a very effective barrier for bottlenecking troops either at fords or bridges (which would be necessary for letting trade caravans cross). If you can see further you can spot the dust cloud and know where to move your troops.
2) A wall: Not terribly effective at keeping folks out, maybe, but good against people on horses for sure. Takes a lot of slaves (or serfs) to build a wall...unless you've got magic. So, I'm also picturing:
3) The Stoneshaper's Guild: It took them more than a hundred years to build the wall even with magic. Over the years a guild of sorts formed and, today, it's still around. The guild's architects are in high demand from all corners of the continent and its headquarters is a sight to behold.

Here's something else: the bullette's teeth. Maybe instead of the wall (but I'm now sort of attached to the guild) or maybe as well as. Horses have trouble on rocky ground. Riding fast across it is a good way to break a leg and unhorse a rider. If you're facing mounted foes riding across a plain, wouldn't it make sense to maybe create a nice strip of small, rock-like obstructions - no barrier to folks travelling on foot, but a nightmare to cavalry. Put it this side of the river and you've got a not-so-good situation for would-be mounted invaders.

Just thinking here. Probably silly stuff...but.