Quote Originally Posted by Karro View Post
Gary, did you provide all the names, and their locoations in relation to each other?

Was this communicated via a rough sketch map, or in words?
The base map for the world was generated and tweaked fairly heavily (by me) in FT Pro. I extracted a "map blank" of this particular region (one of four 'important' regions on Ytherra,) to CC3, labeled it up and sent it to Cereth. Numerous requests for various clarifications and especially more names for features followed as the project progressed, which I also sent along. The original CC3 map had probably 30% of the total needed names on it; several later versions of that same map got sent as time went on with more names added.

When we got pretty far along on the project, Cereth got a lot of notes from me to the tune of "we need two more towns in area X; here's some names. Place them however you see fit." So I'd say that the physical arrangement of features is 90-95% mine, and the names are 100% mine. But Cereth did the the real work to make the map functional and pretty, which I had struggled with (literally) for years.