I am hesitant to post in the request forum since I doubt anyone would tackle a project this vast. I plan to do it myself with some help from this forum. I debated for a time where to post this, but decided here would work as I will be updating my thread with progress. Another reason I chose here instead of there is because my only actual map-making request consisted of a sketch of land-masses. Thanks for the reply Steel General, and I am aware of the five posts. I will get my posts in topics, likely this one, but other topics if they particularly catch my attention.

To Ganwarf: I am doing the same things. I actually am using Liquid Story Binder XE to catalogue my lists and outlines. I just started using it, rather than lots of notepad files I lost constantly. Your post did give me an idea. An obvious one, on par with plug the device in before tech support. I can get the world map and then cut it into separate PDS files copied the partion of the map for regionals. Then get the small labels in there.

By the way. I wrote this from my iPod so forgive errors.