I have to say thanks again for this wonderful website. In my case it has reawakened the Artist within me that had to step off while career and real life responsibilities took over.

When I was in High School I had to decide if I wanted to pursue becoming and Artist, an Architect, or an Engineer of some kind. I settled on the computer field because I enjoyed it and it was in huge demand. From time to time I have found a way to sit down and create some artwork but I have always wondered what I might have done if I had just gone for it. I don't regret my choices but my creative side has always given me an edge.

At that time I did not want to be "another starving artist". I wanted to be able to support a family so I became a software developer. I did that for 15 years until several years ago I decided on a change and became a small business owner. I now work for myself, keep strange hours and feel a lot less stressed. I don't miss Corporate America at all. Not that this economy doesn't make it a bit rough but that's another story.

Point is, walking these virtual hallways I find my creative juices going absolutely wild and I now have several creative projects going at once. I just want to say thanks again to everyone who makes this site such a great place. I hope that I can help inspire someone else in like manner.



-Dream because if you don't...well what's the point?