I figure she has her paint kit with her - I would. I was thinking of going with hand doing the labels on the map, but I rather like being able to read labels. And I would assume, being a cartographer, that her handwriting on at least maps would be much finer. I was going to just zoom in on the pictures, and only leave a little of the journal text visable for entries, but I forgot about that this time. In the future, I probably will, and then just type the journal entry. Because yah, its really hard to handwrite text in Photoshop Elements. If I had time, I would finish up the pictures in Project Dogwaffle, which is my paint program of choice. But, if I actually want to finish the journal, I need to save time *pout* I forgot to put in my compass and directions scale on the last one too...*fret*

Anyways, as far as the color ones go, I will likely put in an entry explaining the actual process of her map making later. What I had in mind was the world being a blend of science and magic, was that she could create the map elsewhere and then magically 'imprint' the map onto her journal page. (It would be the same process for other images, such as the first painting of the glass ocean) I will probably start doing some actual hand maps as the journal continues, because its easier and the result is prettier - but I am half doing this project to get used to my pen tablet ^.^ I do want to do at least one actual ink map on parchment though, so that one at least should be more realistic