Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
Although, all this said, we are talking about Fantasy RPGs rather than real life medieval. Fantasy settings are basically a sanitised and idealised take on medieval / renaissance life. Disease, lack of sanitation, the sheer smelliness, the presence of fleas on virtually everyone and general lack of personal hygiene, the utterly back-breaking, hard life that rural peasants led, the almost universal lack of literacy and numeracy, the fact that it was not uncommon to step over the dead bodies of children in city streets in 18th Century London....the list goes on and on.

Years ago I pondered the same issue, vacillating on whether dungeons & buildings should have bathrooms/indoor outhouses. Ultimated I reached the same conclusion as Ravells- it's a game of fantasy, not a treatise on plumbing! It's like the Renaissance Festivals so popular now, an overly romanticised view of the times (hey, I love the Ren Fest, but was everyone back then really a Lord or Lady, and did they all have bad English accents?).