I am new to the site here, this will actually not be my first post since I pretty much spammed Ascension for help with his spectacular TUT on Atlas Style. I have always liked maps and I have some fairly old map copies on my pc that are pretty cool. I have tinkered off and on with the thought of writing a book and finally decided to try and do it. But I am a details kinda guy so I am working on building the world and history and realized I seriously need a map. So Since I had been lurking here for a month or 2 I started looking at a few things about making maps. I have CC3 and FT and while I like them they are not giving the kind of map I need. So I found Ascensions atlas style appealing and tried it. I did not finish the map on that yet before I decided to go off on a wild hair and just experiment a bit. I'll share my map on another thread because I really would like to get Ascensions opinion and anyone else who has something they would like to contribute as well please do so.

See you all around.
P.S. I really am a mapper noob but I did read a bit on your River Police and I promise to try my best to avoid them LMAO.