So now that we have a nice shiny new forum and so much great work is being done on redesigning it - I was wondering what we Industry Pros would like? Arcana's been darkly hinting about larger schemes afoot for the site as a whole so I thought I'd start a little discussion on here about what we might like.

I've a few questions first and then some initial thoughts.

Question for Arcana: What kind of fancy new bells and whistles are there that we might be able to take advantage of?

From my point of view, the most important benefit of being an IP here would be having a gallery that could take decent sized images as well as having a clean interface that people could be pointed to - so we could use it for say our 5 best maps. I have my own website for that, but people will come here looking for our work and that would be the most obvious way to help out people wanting to get started.

After that, I guess that it might be useful to have updates on new jobs coming up - but that's mostly done in the main Mapmaking Requests forum. I'm wondering what topics there are that are interesting here that wouldn't necessarily be interesting to the wider readership of the guild? Are there any services that would be useful here?

Obviously I would love there to be a storefront through which we could sell map packs. That would be amazing. But I'm guessing running an e-store is way beyond the scope of Arcana's planned forum redesign. Just as a note though - I believe OneBookshelf and RPGNow take arounf 35% cut and Paizo take 25% for all sales, so you could use those as reasonable numbers for seeing what you might reasoably take as a commission on each sale through the site.
