It has been noted that the majority of the entries do not satisfy the listed requirements in this month's challenge. Specifically, most of the entries do not satisfy the requirement that:

For the sake of the plot, there must be the following items labeled or on a legend:

• a central square,
• a shrine to the local deities,
• a large fortified wooden house with guest quarters for the village governor, and
• twenty or so peasant houses clustered around the central square and governor’s house, including rice, wheat, and vegetable farmers, a beekeeper, sheep herders, and so forth.
• a mill,
• a tannery,
• a bridge over the east-west flowing main river, and
• a ford across the north-south flowing tributary.
This challenge is about accurately following an art brief as well as producing a high quality finished product. As most of the entries would be disqualified if we were to enforce this we will take the alternative approach of giving all contestants 48 hours to update their entries with this information. You will also be required to check that your map meets any other requirements of the art brief.

I will re-close the threads at 4pm EST on Tuesday the 30th of March and set up a new poll.

You are allowed to make any other changes or adjustments to your map - including Sapiento if you wish to complete your map. Please post to this thread with any questions, or pm myself or any of the other CLs to discuss this decision.