Hey everyone! Just wanted to drop a line and say hi... we're very excited about this challenge, and can't wait to see your ideas!

The book itself will be an authentic gazetteer. It will be based in a fantasy setting, but will be edited and published as if it were a professional piece from that world. To build on the characters, we are presenting it as Boran's personal copy which contains many of his notes stuffed in the sidelines, and inserts throughout the book.

Here's a little something to set the tone of what we're looking for:
Boran Coalbeard, renowned Dwarven beer connoisseur, is taking a beer odyssey, traveling to areas not previously explored, interested to see how far his renown actually stretches. The beers he plans to write about in his Gazetteer are limited to a region of the "main" continent of the world, and his goal is to visit the brewery homes of some of the land's most interesting and famous beers, giving readers of the book a unique look at the people, ingredients, and brewing techniques employed to make the most popular beers and brews in the world. Boran's renown at this point is far stretching, and he hopes the gazetteer will serve to strengthen his position as the premier beer to date.