I concur with Daelin: the coastal lines are too far from the shores and clutter up the map. Remember that they should serve a function, and that function on this map will probably be rudimentary bathymetry—the sea floor would not be rigorously mapped, but there would likely be indications of where the continental shelf falls away, where the shallows are, etc.

Color will probably help to clarify things, too.

As for the font choice, it looks pretty good to me. I don't think you should curve the text unless it serves a function. Having every label curved is too much, in my opinion. Nor should they be angled unless there is need for it. Note that it should probably be "Greater Antilles" and not "Grater…"

You did not mention what software you are using. If it's Illustrator, you might be able to find a slightly distressed brush to stroke the coastlines with so they do not appear so computer-generated and will better match the quality of your lettering. I don't know if Inkscape has that capability yet or not.