To me, that text looks too 'modern'. Maybe change it to a more period-appropriate font? Also, don't get too crazy with curving text just for the sake of curving it. Sometimes it can work out well, but often it just looks messy. If you look at older maps from the 16th and 17th centuries, they would often angle the names of coastal cities down and away from the actual city 'dot', particularly on maps of places like India or Italy, where the coast slants enough that not only doesn't it look nice if they're perfectly horizontal, but there's also not enough room to make 'em all horizontal. I think a place on your map where you're going to have problems fitting text in no matter what is isthmus connecting Alital to the mainland. The narrowness of the land combined with the narrowness of the sea south of it doesn't give you a lot of wiggle room there.

Overall though, I like the layout of the landmasses and the overall feel of it. Have some rep!