This month's challenge is a radical departure for me in a number of ways. First, I wanted to make something compact... something you could see on your computer screen in one swat, so I chose 1280x1024. That's a little bigger than the screen sweet-spot of 1024x768 at present, but most of you are probably a notch or two above average in that regard.

The much-smaller size influenced a massive number of other choices. Features are rendered in less detail. You think more about impact and presentation than wondering what to do to fill up all that space. I've been working on this for a good week, but I've been in the experimental phase until now. I really wasn't sure if it "worked". Now I think it does, but you can never tell until the lads and lasses weigh in.

Another departure for me is the style. I've been doing satellite a lot--almost to the exclusion of any other style. This one was just a little of this, a little of that, and it just sort of worked out to my eye.

I've also tried to capture a more fanciful, cartoonish style to match a topic that is both at once serious and light-of-heart. Again, the jury is out until you guys deliver the verdict. I am not finished yet, but I'm most of the way there. Better not to wait until the last minute because, without fail, the great talents here will have suggestions to improve my work.

Please... suggest away.

### Latest Wip ###
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Skolheim..jpg 
Views:	220 
Size:	1.50 MB 
ID:	23782