[Compulsory] Commission

Payment will be a negotiated matter. It truly depends on the portfolio and skill level of the cartographer.


There are several different things I would like here, but I will start with simple. A continent map. The main continent is broke up into a number of provinces. Here's what it looks like:

857394_10200714401811890_1831752950_o (1).jpg


I would like a style similar to this: Cartographers' Guild - Selvarin by -Max- I have provincial symbols, which could use a bit of photoshop magic to pretty up, but...ya. This style here would be best for simply identifying the provinces: Photo 1 of 6 from My Finished Maps Ya. That second one. Maybe that first one in the future...

Quality & Size

Required for print and web]
The bigger the better. More detail would be great and I have a lot of notes on all the workings of the map.

Time Constraints

No limit. The sooner the better, but I'm not hard pressed for time.


I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.

Contact Details