I could never have dreamt to have a tectonic plate named after me (or rather, my nick), but it did happen! Thanks a lot, groovey! I am honoured. I'll make sure to return the favour, probably not a tectonic plate but something else, not less important. And it might not be named "groovey" either, but an adapted form. I am not really working on a conlang yet, but I do have a few ideas. I'd like the "feel" of the language to be a mix of Polynesian, Australian Aboriginal, and probably some other elements. We'll see what I can come up with.

You guys have really been working hard on your projects. Congratulations! I haven't been able to do anything these last few days. Sometimes other things take precedence over building a conworld. I really hope to be able to continue working on my project the coming weekend. When I see all your results it's really starting to itch.

Cheers - Akubra