So for the final map that I'm doing for the Prepared! series we decided to switch things around. I'm sending the writer some sketches and he'll make an adventure. Here's the three ideas I drew, we'll see which one he takes…

I had said that I was keen on trying to draw snow and ice, so that's the theme. All the maps will be cold. It was interesting to try to come up with drawings that have potential but no defined story. I think the terrace map is the most open to interpretation, while the Icy Ark is the most strongly suggestive. The gate is sort of… cliché, though that's not necessarily a bad thing.




Of course, if I thought there would be time I'd tell him to combine all three, but I have a feeling that I would have to give up on things like eating and sleeping to get them all done in time.

Stay tuned for developments…
