@ - JO - : Thanks Joel, this perilous feeling is what I wanted to convey. This is a terrible island and I really want to give it this dread vibe. The roundish coast parts are beaches, I'll have to show it better with coastal details maybe. I hope the light blue will help tell land from sea (I'll ignore the blasphemy ). The baby's due in about three weeks and we hope it'll take all the time it needs

@ Bogie : Thanks a lot !

@ Mouse : Totally unintentional, I cannot even see what you mean, could you maybe show me ?

Here's the next version : mountain ridges (too much maybe ?), cliffs (I struggled for the orientation of the slopes, I hope it's not too weird ...) and some work with the skull that's now the compass with rhumblines. I also added some shadows on the skull and bones and some light ivory color.

### Latest WIP ###

Treasure map2.jpg

What do you think ? Any critic is welcome. I think I'm gonna sweat on the shading of the mountains ... I might not do it by pure laziness

PS : Could a nice CL change the title for me ? It's "Opikanoba, daughter of the mists".