This month's challenge comes to us courtesy of ChickPea:

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea
There are all sorts of stamps showing maps throughout the world, take a look here. The challenge is simply to create your own set of stamps with a map theme. I'd suggest four stamps in the set, but it's up you. It should be more than one, anyway. The stamps can be of a real world place, or they can be of a fictional/imaginary realm, but they should be of different monetary values, and look like they're part of the same set.

For example, each stamp could show a different region within a country. Or, you could have one stamp showing a country map, then another with a city map, and perhaps a third with a famous building. Bonus points for working in some world-building info, like who's the current ruler, or what trade/exports the area has etc etc.

If you've ever had a hankering to redo the postage stamps in your country, or to create some Middle Earth or Minecraft-themed stamps, now's your chance!
Nothing else to add, really, except the usual:

1) Title your thread like this: May 2018 Challenge: <<your title goes here>>

2) Make sure you use the ### Latest WIP ### tag before each of your work-in-progress pictures. If you don't, your entry may not show up when it comes time to vote...

3) Your entry cannot have been started prior to the opening of this challenge.

The challenge will run until around 9PM Pacific time on Thursday 31 May. The winner gets a shiny blob of golden pixels under their name, and another bucket of envy-drool from their peers.

Go forth and create stamps!