Hey everyone,

Here's something a little different. As some of you may know I've created some Skillshare classes over the past months. Throughout those classes I went over my process as I drew a fictional island in the shape of The Netherlands. I've just finished recording the footage for the last class and will be editing in the next week (hopefully I'll be able to post the map by Friday).

I've divided the 'Lower Lands' into three kingdoms: Fring (Friesland and Groningen), Geller (Gelderland and Overijssel) and Ranton (North and South Holland, Utrecht, Zeeland, Brabant and Limburg. Ranton comes from the term Randstad which is used to refer to the megalopolis consisten the four largest cities in the Netherlands). The names of all the locations are all based on real-world locations that are roughly in the same area. Uther, for example, is based on Utrecht (My hometown! ).

Anyways, here's the map.


As always, let me know your thoughts!