Nice to see so many entries
My votes went to Moe for his beautiful map, knew he'd win this one - but that only made me work harder *lol*, and to jfraz for his great idea.

A few comments:
Cantab: good start - some labels to tell what is where would have been good - that would make us "enter" the map/world
jfraz: the finish was a little fast concidering all the work you made in the beginning - great fun though
len wolf: nice idea - it helped a lot with running some filters to make it look more hand drawn, however I feel that the roof look a little of in the style - and its a little dark, but good overall
map vandal: as usual you make a great map - however, I didn't feel that you fulfilled the demands of the challenge - you mapped the town close to the challenge goal
Moe: just great - the seal and pencil looks a little artificial in comparision to the rest - but a clear winner there - loved the blue color - hard to compete with that composition *lol*
surveryor: fun idea with the folder - but I'd liked a little more actual map
tim allen: great start, to bad you didn't finish it, nice with the little footsteps
vascant: really good - a little more depth would lift it though

good work all - see you in the next challenge