Quote Originally Posted by Thesslian View Post
This program rules. I've been playing with it for hours. The best part was when I realized any stencil could be turned into a forest. I went and grabbed a maze off google and turned it into trees in a few minutes. Very cool, since I had an idea for a d&d adventure that took place in a forest maze, but god forbid I ever have to map it. Now I can just convert any basic maze into trees. So awesome. I keep thinking of other uses for this. If you put some building icons where the trees are you might be able to spawn cities by laying down some black. About the only thing I don't care for are the jungle trees. Ugly things. Other than that it is perfect.
Glad you like it, Thesslian. The jungle trees are indeed pretty crappy but a decent looking jungle can still be made from them. If you check out my latest WIP thread (unnamed world) I have posted a snapshot of a map I am working on now with, what I think, is a pretty cool jungle and it was done using those brushes.

If you manage to create some better brushes yourself for it I'd be happy to include them in the next update.