Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
I think the bushy trees would look fine if the mountains were twice as large as they are, so maybe its just a case of comparative scale?

You could try imagining that you were drawing a forest of 6 ft high shrubs, and maybe that would end up looking like 50ft trees?
I definitely had a hard time with the scale, since I print everything I create I make a habit of regularly checking my work at print size and in this case those bushy trees are nothing more then green blobs when viewed at actual size, I think it might be worth my while to try again on a bigger map until I get the hang of it.

Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Regarding the "tree nemesis" (and many other things in fact) a quote from one of the more spiritually inclined masters of drawing (for me at least ), Jean Giraud came to my mind: "When you draw, you must first cleanse yourself of deep feelings, like hate, happiness, ambition, etc."
Please take these oh so wise words with a grain of salt Kacey, since i'm rarely able to overcome them myself...

Would love to see an experiment thread of yours btw.!
Wise words indeed!

Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
kacey these bookmarks are wonderful Those mountains are excellently done and the forests are just perfect.
Thanks Straf, I'm glad you like the forests since I struggled with them so much.