Quote Originally Posted by Talroth View Post
I'm really liking the castle, but the base map you're setting it on could use revising. The water just isn't working for me, it looks like you've taken a close up photo of small wave action in very shallow water, at the very edge of the surf. (as in it looks like what I expect to see water doing when it has spread out to just a few mm deep, high on a long sloping shore. This isn't how I expect to see deep water off a rocky coast acting.)
Actually you've danced around what I'm really trying to do here (not that that water graphic doesn't need some kind of help, but...) I plan to place Tsunami coming in from the east of the map. I was thinking of pulling the water back away from the shoreline to build up the wave that's oncoming. First I wanted to try heavily churning "shallow" water as the it's drawing towards the Tsunami. Again, all very experimental.

I also plan to place some ship/boats in that water to hide some of its inconsistencies and as part of the besiegers.

I may make some changes, but there lots more going into the map, and a good chance what follows will cover up what's wrong with it right now. We'll have to see.