I'm running a USCM campaign. The group is running around the universe in an beat up old conestoga class assault frigate.
My simplistic sideview deckplan include
Cargo hangar(for shuttles), fighter bay (for dropships and fighters), cargo bays (lots of them), Medbay with science station, Engineering, Reactor room, Grav generator room (for FTL flight), Engines, Cryo room, Barracks, Canteen, Rec room, Armoury, Supply stores (ammo, armor and gear), Ready room, Bridge with Nav, Comm, Tac and CIC stations. Then there's loads of corridors some of them doubling as exercise track, shooting range, extra bunk spaces and storage. I'm thinkng a cross between a wwii sub and a modern troop transport. I've toyed with the idea of mapping it, but it seems a lot of job since they rarely have any missions aboard ship. If you post some of your work, I'll steal them right under your nose!

Starwars ships are more open in their layout according to the reference material, and they seem to have less 'ship' feel to them, so you can put a lot of the essentials in one tile.
Your med bay was really nice. Have you seen the game Battlestations? It's got a lot of pre made starship compartments (and it's a really cool game too), they may come in handy!