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Thread: Veskar WIP

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    Wip Veskar WIP

    "Veskar remains one of the wildest and most dangerous realms within the civilized lands of Eriond. It’s seas are aswarm with scaled terrors, it’s hillsides are overrun with Giants, ancient dragons alight from its mountains and a terrible witch-queen lays siege upon the frozen borderlands. Yet perhaps the most deadly adversary is the extreme weather. Despite these trials, a society of sea-faring barbarians has managed to survive along the coastal regions of Veskar."

    Hey Guys, been away from mapping for a spell but there's a chance I might be running another campaign in my homebrew campaign world so I thought I'd work on a map of the region we'd be gaming in. Veskar is the northwestern edge of civilization, and its northern borders extend into near arctic conditions.

    I decided to go for a photo-realistic style for this map. I used both GIMP and Wilbur, and, as this is my first time using the latter, it took a fair amount of experimenting around with height maps and gradient maps before this WIP met with my satisfaction. Still, there are a few infelicities:

    1. In coming up with my initial height map, I used the airbrush tool (rather than the paintbrush or dodge/burn tool) to adjust the gray-scale. However, when I zoomed in to 100% I found that the brush made circular patterns throughout the height map.
    2. As the northern section of this map is located in sub-arctic conditions, I wanted to use a gradient (from white to green) to show the gradual change in biomes. However, the gradient didn't play nice with the gradient map I had already made to indicate elevation.

    If anyone has any suggestions for how to remedy either one of these problems I'm all ears. As always, comments and critiques are welcome. Thanks guys.

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