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Thread: March 2018 Challenge: Moon Gems of Vaalsa

  1. #11
    Guild Expert
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    I love that this map is coming along in pieces with a story, I'm really enjoying it, it's a great thread.

  2. #12
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    The hoots of two-dozen marsuuk leapers made a melody with the rushing sound of the river Salazar's speeder hovered over. It was like music to his ears. Just wait until Archie discovered what was in store! Salazar had had a lot of time to think while he sat in the cargo container that he'd escaped the bulk hauler explosion in. By the time he was finally picked up his space suit had stunk like a Mondriun gas farm. Still, he was feeling pretty good about things. He'd stayed a step ahead of his old friend all along, even had the map Archie had made of the route to the Temple. What an amazing place. Once a century the three moons aligned and shone straight through the alien lenses, coalescing into luminous crystals of pure moonlight. What a score this would be!
    A blip on the speeder's sensors brought him back to the present. Archie was approaching and, by the speed he was moving, on foot. Perfect. He put the vocalizer to his mouth and a few hoots and whistles burst from it. The marsuuk troup bounced off towards Archie's location, the smell of ripe banotans drawing them like a magnet.


    Archie could hear the sound of rushing water up ahead. That would be the river. He'd originally planned on using the river as a highway for his speeder but he'd have to take a shortcut. He'd discovered a thing or two about the local geography after he'd made the map that Salazar was probably following. Hopefully that would help.
    A sudden chorus of shrieks and hoots erupted from the trees around him, as a horde of tiny long-limbed creatures swarmed out of the trees towards him. Archie staggered as they leapt on him, pulling at his pack, climbing on his head, and tripping up his feet. His pack fell to the ground and six of the little critters dragged it up out of reach. A long hooting whistle sounded from not far off, and the creatures hurried off. Archie tried to give chase but he could not keep up through the trees. A moment later the sound of a speeder powering up reached his ears. It seemed like Salazar had pulled another fast one. Archie hated to admit it, but that rogue was a good planner. He almost grinned, then remembered that the alien artifact that would supposedly open the temple was in that pack.
    Archie sighed, picked up a banotan that had spilled out of his pack before he lost it, and trudged off towards the river to look for a shortcut. At least they hadn't taken his satchel.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    If anyone is interested, this is the initial tiny sketch I did to plan this map:

    Thanks for following along!


  3. #13
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    A waterfall! That certainly hadn't been on the map that he'd grabbed from Archie in those hectic last minutes before the patrol had let loose and blown them to smithereens. Salazar stood on the cliff face for a moment, looking out at the jungle. Off in the distance he could see the alien architecture of the temple rising out of the green. Still, the speeder had given him a good headstart, and Archie would have to contend with the same obstacle. And Salazar had the key. He collected his gear, ate a banotan, and began the slow descent down the cliff face.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Is anyone tired of me posting this map in tiny pieces? The story draws near its end and then I imagine I'll post the whole map as I start to paint it (with pixels, I'm not daring enough for oldschool pigments just yet).

    I think this is the first time I started an ink map with the intention of colouring and shading later. I feel like the canyons scattered with foliage are an incomprehensible eye-maze, but hopefully colour will help sort that out!

    Thanks for looking!

  4. #14
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    OMG, it's absolutely brilliant Meshon! I'm thrilled by your mad writing skills. The story is so exciting, funny and totally immersive. Far from tiring! On the contrary, unveiling the map (and story) piece by piece seems to be the perfect way to go with it. Imagination runs wild and i'm really looking forward to see the next act being mapped and played out!
    The river and waterfall are a fantastic addition and i'm sure the colours will make that map look even more epic in the end.
    Thank you so much for taking us on that journey with you!

    PS: How do i get this piratey grin from my face now?
    Map is not territory...
    Current work in progress:Korobrom | My finished maps
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  5. #15


    By Meshon
    Is anyone tired of me posting this map in tiny pieces? The story draws near its end and then I imagine I'll post the whole map as I start to paint it (with pixels, I'm not daring enough for oldschool pigments just yet).
    Nope, that's pretty fun actually.
    You have such a nice line art, Meshon.

  6. #16


    Cool idea with the story! It gives me an odd challenge idea. And I'm really eager for the finished map..

  7. #17
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
    OMG, it's absolutely brilliant Meshon! I'm thrilled by your mad writing skills. The story is so exciting, funny and totally immersive. Far from tiring! On the contrary, unveiling the map (and story) piece by piece seems to be the perfect way to go with it. Imagination runs wild and i'm really looking forward to see the next act being mapped and played out!
    The river and waterfall are a fantastic addition and i'm sure the colours will make that map look even more epic in the end.
    Thank you so much for taking us on that journey with you!

    PS: How do i get this piratey grin from my face now?
    Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I love that these two characters and their friendship/rivalry sort of developed organically. I imagine that they work together a lot of the time, but occasionally end up in races like this one. I think you keep the piratey grin on and use it to drive new Archie and Salazar stories!

    If anyone is interested, these two characters originated in the November/December "Commission a Guilder" challenge. The threads are here and here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Nope, that's pretty fun actually.
    You have such a nice line art, Meshon.
    Thank you, and I'm glad you're not finding it tiresome. One never knows…

    Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
    Cool idea with the story! It gives me an odd challenge idea. And I'm really eager for the finished map..
    Oh, that sounds intriguing, definitely interested to hear what idea you have for a challenge.
    I'm eager to see the finished map too


  8. #18
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Breathless, Archie reached the edge, where the jungle parted and the ground fell away into a steep cliff. He'd followed a small path straight from the river to the cliff. Salazar would be well south, depending on his speeder to get him ahead but, with any luck, the waterfall and cliff would slow him down. Archie could see the temple below, clearly visible in the sun as it slowly lowered to the horizon. Sweeping curves and strange protrusions marked its surface. Not much time left now. He started unpacking the ultralight wings from his satchel, building the carbon-bundle rods into a frame and attaching the monofilament wings across it. With any luck he'd make good distance over the intervening jungle and get close to the alien structure. He'd have to find another way in, since Salazar had stolen his key.
    Salazar reached the bottom of the waterfall, after a strenuous climb. He sat on the rocks, letting the thunder of the waters surround him, gazing meditatively at the temple as it glowed in the rays of the setting sun. The prize waited not far up the river, an easy hike.
    As he sat, something moved in the air along the cliff face to the north. A bird? He picked up his macroscope and trained it on the area. A delta shaped wing floated above the jungle canopy, a figure harnessed beneath it. Archie! The old dog had made a shortcut for himself! Salazar watched for a moment more. The old rogue was probably going to make it all the way to the temple by air! He was pretty sure there was only one key, but what if Archie had found another way in? Salazar threw his gear into his pack and bolted up the river for the temple.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    The linework for the main map is all done, but I have an… overly ambitious plan for the border. I also briefly toyed with the idea of adding texture lines into the trees, like I often do, but I'm going to go keep on the track of planning this map for pen lines and digital colour/shading. Always an experiment! Hopefully the next post will have the conclusion of the story (well, this chapter of Archie and Salazar's adventures anyway) and a scan of the black and white map.

    Here's the title card and a picture showing the space allotted for my overly ambitious border plan.

    Thanks for visiting!

  9. #19
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Breathless, Salazar reached the sweeping curves and crystalline lenses of the strange temple, now reflecting a beautiful blue sheen of moonlight. Overhead, three globes lit the night sky, their light seemed to be pulled in visible rays towards the alien structure. So soon now! He spotted the doorway and drew out the key as he headed towards it.
    "Up here Salazar, you old gas cloud!" Archie's voice came from somewhere above.
    Salazar looked up and spotted his rival up on one of the graceful curves above him. The glider stood there too, Archie must have managed to land right on top of the building.
    "You're a little late, you nebulous nut! I have your key!" Salazar lingered though, waiting for something.
    "True, but my glider is parked on top of the main lens. No moonlight is getting in here this century… unless we can make an arrangement." Archie chuckled. This was how it was always meant to be.
    Salazar stood and looked up at the pirate atop the temple, and Archie gazed down, two old rogues, veterans of a hundred heists and capers, grinning at each other.
    "Sixty-sixty?" offered Salazar, his smile broadening.
    Archie lifted the glider and stepped off the roof, floating gently down in a few heartbeats, while Salazar waited for his old friend. They shook hands to seal the deal and then hugged each-other.
    "Let's go see what wonders await inside, shall we?"
    Salazar nodded. "And ah, if you're interested, I have an idea of where to go next. There's this tax collector on Plenium IV who dearly needs to have his wealth… redistributed."
    Arm in arm the two strode through the door and into the temple, as the first rays of moonlight filled the place with radiance.
    It was the most beautiful thing either of them had ever seen.

    Well! I managed to get the lines on my border done, so here's the final black and white scan. I'm hoping to get the painting done before the challenge ends, we'll see. At least Archie and Salazar have settled their feud and are already planning the next adventure!

    Thanks for reading along.

    ### Latest WIP ###


  10. #20
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Haha, nice ending to the story! "Sixty-sixty" seems to be a good deal after all. The whole map looks stunning. Great to see it complete, and even with some lovely border illustrations on top. Yay! Btw. the jugendstil lettering fits perfect in my view.
    Map is not territory...
    Current work in progress:Korobrom | My finished maps
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