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Thread: Modern Hotel Resort

  1. #1

    Default Modern Hotel Resort

    I generally don't make modern maps, since that's not the kind of game genre I play. However, many fans of my map making have requested more modern map examples. Following my 2 weeks of commission work for the Call of Duty strategy guide and having designed several "resort" based game levels, I decided that might make a good subject for a modern map usable in modern games. My plan is to create a tropical, beachside resort with some coral reef, rocky jungle terrain and an archaeological ruin with a trail from the resort in close proximity - something Mayan, I think. For an exotic inclusion, I'm going to create an underground restaurant/nightclub called the Four Fathoms Grotto Lounge directly up the map page on the seaside which is underground and features a thick curved glass pane separating the lounge, 16 feet below sea level facing a coral lagoon beyond.

    Game-wise, a resort can be the location of murder, intrigue, detective work for an exotic location.

    So far, I've created the ground floor level and 2 of the several available room types - basic and business suite, though I plan to create an upscale suite and the top level guest residence, yet.



    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2


    Nice! .............Another map I'd love to use in Mutants and Masterminds Campaign........ Do you have a High Res version with a grid?

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