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Thread: Interesting image resulting from doing tech support

  1. #1
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Default Interesting image resulting from doing tech support


    Today I was dealing with a support question related to map symbols disappearing at the edge of the map extent and while trying to test a solution I had come up with, I ended up with this image.

    It's a spherical stipple field with hierarchical ordering (one of my favourite test data sets) Each point has a radius value that's inversely proportional to its rank within the hierarchy (hence bigger dots are more spaced out than smaller ones) and then I computed buffers on the NAD83 Spheroid in PostGIS (Moving the buffer computation from the WMS server to the spatial RDMBS was the solution I came up with for the problem, and while I was doing that I could do it 'properly' since PostGIS has a spheroidal buffer operator) then I displayed the whole thing in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area.

    I thought It looked rather cool.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    Didn't understand most of that but it looks pretty cool
    regs tilt
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