Hello everyone

Here is a map inspired by the the tabletop roleplaying game Plagues (and who, incidentally, studied very well for my stories).
In brief, in this fantasy universe, gods no longer respond and have been forgotten, the dead souls remain and the undeath forces are organized, it rains ashes, colors are dull, metal tarnishes and weakens quickly, « Wises » caste and their miracles prevailed over over the ancient mages and their lost magic, non-human races suffer from terrible diseases and humans are entrenched in Havens (like this one which is the capital of the Northern Duchy, a large region of this world).
This is the Iron Gate (la Porte de Fer in French).

Initially I wanna draw all that (a large city with a long corridor of 1 day of walking joining a river town on a big turbulent river).

But I think it's a lot of work lost in a single image, in which you would lose a lot of detail and meaning, so I divide it into two parts: the river city, and the capital itself.

SO : I begin with the river city.
For the moment I do not know how to frame the image (especially since I find it a shame to lose the consistency of the line and the details by looking at the map from too far away, I think to zoom in), but it will come with progress.
Many other questions are in my head, maybe I will ask your advices for some of them.

La Porte de Fer.jpg