Blog Comments

  1. tilt's Avatar
    aquavit also typical make all in good fun
  2. ravells's Avatar
  3. tilt's Avatar
    exactly... all in good fun
  4. a2area's Avatar
    Hear Hear! 'Tis a great place! The catalyst that helped me boost my mapping skills quite a bit over a very short period.

    We're competing?? Well, maybe just enough to spur each other on.. all in good fun

  5. tilt's Avatar
    I have very seldom killed a character - but it is sometimes a challenge putting them right on the edge ... gotta be exciting and you can't have it really exciting if the threat of dying isn't there
    That being said I've died plenty of times ... and in Cthulhu I've died 100% of the times I've played (2 times) *lol*
  6. tilt's Avatar
    I have very seldom killed a character - but it is sometimes a challenge putting them right on the edge ... gotta be exciting and you can't have it really exciting if the threat of dying isn't there
    That being said I've died plenty of times ... and in Cthulhu I've died 100% of the times I've played (2 times) *lol*
  7. Jaxilon's Avatar
    I played a lot of those games myself. My best friend got attacked by his little brother over killing one of his characters, LOL. We were pretty rough DM's back in the day. Our goal as DM was to kill off the character if we could. We all had books filled with pre-rolled characters just for such an event. Only as we matured did we learn that the story was what made it fun. Still remember some of those old romps though.
  8. tilt's Avatar
    well, I do prefer young to middle aged ... age is in your heart and soul anyway ... and even though every time I look at my kids they've grown - I don't feel any older
    and I tried reading the hobbit for my 5 year old (she might as well get used to dads hobby) - shes not ready yet *lol*
  9. Immolate's Avatar
    You're a bit young to be old-school tilt, but it sounds like you qualify. My best friend's brother was several years younger than we were, so probably about the same age as you. My friend would torment him whenever he could, but we did let him play D&D with us back then in the dawn of the game. He put up with endless abuse, including many dead or permanently polymorphed lantern-boy characters. He's my favorite DM now so I guess we finally cut him some slack.