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Thread: Need help transferring landmass outline from CC3 to FT3

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer OldGuy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Corvallis, Oregon

    Default Need help transferring landmass outline from CC3 to FT3

    I have a map in Campaign Cartographer 3 and I would like to recreate the outline of the landmass in Fractal Terrains 3. I posted the question in the ProFantasy forums but I thought I'd try here as well.

    So far I've managed to use CC3 to create a Black and White image of my map (ocean white, landmass black) to be used as a height map. FT3 has the ability to import a binary file (presumably heightmap data) but I don't know how to convert my image into the format FT3 expects. Nor do I know if this will even work, I'm just guessing here.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    The projection is most likely to be your biggest problem. Once you have that one sorted, though, put the landmass on a whole-world image in the plate caree projection and then load it as a selection. Do a global set to fill that selection and you'll have your landmass in FT. is something similar with Wilbur.

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer OldGuy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Corvallis, Oregon


    Thanks for the help (here and on PF forums). I got it working! here's what I did...

    1. Hide everything but land in CC3 and save as bmp
    2. Open as "Greyscale Image Surface" in Wilbur
    3. Save as "Muse DTED Surface"
    4. File > New > Binary > Select .dte file in FT

    From the advice I've gotten it seems like I've skipped quite a few steps but I have a landmass in FT. Hopefully, my shortcut won't cause any problems down the road.

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