This one is a combination of Fractal Terrains Pro and Photoshop. It can take quite a while tinkering with infinite configurations and waiting for the new random seed to redraw until you find a world you're happy with. It did for me. But in spite of that and in spite of the fact that you can create dandy land-masses just fine in PS, I wanted to use FTP for a few reasons. First, I paid for it. Second, I could shop projections until I found one I liked. Third, I can reposition the landmasses until I'm happy. Fourth, I can use it to create a bump map as well as a nice color scheme.

The paper for the background is a combination of several papers with a grid overlaid and displaced. Rather than make the border perfectly even, I went through and lined up each dividing line with the somewhat uneven graph paper lines. It turned out good. The compass is probably the most interesting aspect of this piece (to me) and was made from scratch in Photoshop. The two little Atlas guys kept me from going full-on gnomish steam-punk. I liked they way they worked and interacted with the world.

Still plenty of labeling to do etc. I don't really think I'm competitive this month with some of the outstanding work I've seen but I had the week off and figured I'd throw my hat in.

### Latest WIP ###