Hi folks,

as I couldn't find help anywhere else, I will now show this map to your experienced eyes Thanks to Eilathen for encouragement

This is Demera, the capital of an egypt-like country in Alvarania, my fantasy world. I'm not really satisfied with this map, but have no idea why. Well, I suppose more details would make it better, but somehow I'm quite uninspired this time o.O

Short explanation of the city: The inner ring contains palace and houses of the upper class. All temples are built in a way which makes them belong to the inner as well as to the outer circle. The free space to the south-east of the inner circle is a fairground(?), the western quarter of the town is where the dead are ... eh... kept in houses like the ones of the living people.
For everyone who speaks german, you may read more here: http://www.schattenherz.net/drachenb...graphie/demera

I would appreciate any suggestions concerning style and contents
