Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
That is so cool... I wish I had the time to learn japanese or mandarin characters and the language ... I'm far to old and senile to start something of that magnitude...
Well, I've always wanted to learn Japanese and I figured if I didn't try it now I would never learn it. I'm learning on my own time so it is slow going but I have made a start of it. So far I know enough to get myself into trouble.

Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
And I think I might have started the derailment... you just went ahead and pushed it off the tracks
LOL! That's a good description of what happened. Not that I mind.

Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
I say YES ... do another map maps maps maps.. I love maps!!!
Well this isn't a dungeon per se, but it does lead to one of my dungeon maps in my AD&D game. I needed a set of ruins for my game so I came up with this... the plans for an ancient ruins located on the Northern border of the Dreadwood Forest.

This is the Player's Map:

The structure of the buildings range from solid to falling apart. Doors are noted on buildings. Windows are up to DM discretion. The ground inside the ruins' area is overlaid with stone cobbles. In some places, the stonework has been reclaimed by the forest. The ground stonework is uneven and may be dangerous in patches 9chances of falling/stumbling).

Here's the DM's Map:

The Northeast corner is inhabited by Huge Spiders and is full of webs. The Humanoid bandits (in pay from foreign powers to the South) have control of the Southeast corner. In the Southwest corner is a Harpy lair and a group of Wererats have taken up residence in the centre of the ruins. These wererats have allegiances to the Plague of the Blackhand (a cult of Incabulos) and are actively working against the Bandits. Some of the houses hold clues to the ruins' past (including its ancient name of Tharenthjia).

Unknown to the Bandits, they now occupy the area that once belonged to the Cult of Incabulos. The Cult wishes to reclaim the area at any cost. Why they were forced to leave the area in the first place hasn't been decided yet.

The players are sort of screwed either way. Should they rout the bandits then the Cult will grow in strength and vice versa. Course this is all background info while we do a few dungeon crawls. The circular house (#39) leads to the dungeon back in post #6 of this thread.

The black & white maps can be found here: