Hi everyone ! I recently bought FT3 to start designing my new fantasy world, and I'm trying to give it a realistic look.
After some research, I figured out that FT3 does not provide tools for geology matters and so. Fair enough, I'm not afraid to draw the landscape myself !
Although, when I try to paint the mid-ocean ridges with the raise brush, the (glimpse of a) result is pretty ugly, as you can see.
I wish I had :
- the same noisy look that has the ocean floor
- a randomized-like path for the ridges (by hand, when it doesn't look like a straight line, it's even worse)
- a realistic width and altitude for the mountains

I know some of these can be made with the Global Noise tool and a brush set on Value instead of Rise, but it does not solve all the problems and it has a uniformish look that I don't really like.

I would be grateful if anyone give me some idea regarding the tools I could use to make that work. Thank you !
