
I'm starting out with my first high detail world mapping project. It started with a few sketches that turned into a full colour piece of art that was although pretty, highly inaccurate.

I get a bit obsessed with detail and trying to make what I do as accurate as possible and therefore I have gone back to the beginning and started with my tectonic plates as you can see below.

I just wanted to get any feedback that anyone would be willing to offer before I continue with my other maps ( elevation, sea currents, wind currents and other weather maps ).

Are my plates acceptable in general or do I need to go back to the drawing board? Are there any places that are obviously really inaccurate or that don't make sense scientifically?


The planet's circumference is around 40,000km ( Earth size ). The Longitude lines are 10deg apart. The tectonic arrows attempt to show converging ( dark blue fill ), diverging ( light blue fill ) and transform ( clear fill ). The elevation is incremented in 1000km from the dark green which is sea level.

Any comments at all are highly appreciated
