Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Looking forward to the progress

Is Sketchup really difficult to learn?

Hey Mouse,

Sketchup is pretty easy to get started, but it qwerky to some degree, the complex shapes can get tricky, but there are plenty of tutorials, You Tube Videos and a good community. There are also a lot of plugins that help make some of the more complex shape creation easier.

You can get the free version and play with it immediately and make house, walls. It will take some time to get comfortable with it, I've been using it off and on for about 3-4 years now and feel pretty comfortable at it, but still get bogged down at times with the geometry. Knowing what angle you want to show helps, in that you don't' have to put all the detail in that you would need if you were going to build from it or show a fly through.

It is another good tool to have in the toolbox though and can really help to get the perspective view of thing, even with simple box, you tilt and spin to get the perspective you might want.