Now today, I am going for the fog of that the Niwlen Spine is so infamous for.

Quick technique rundown: Painted some front solid color on the front mountain peaks and selected those and inverted the selection to get the mist to move between the mountains. Cloudy brush with dynamic size set to random, and opacity at about 70-ish, with a color that is not white, more like a darker white that almost borders on grey.

Then the wild forests appeared. Draw a whole set and then created a brush.

Quick technique rundown #2: Tree layer and a shadow layer below it, with a cloudy brush on like 30-40% paint in general shadows, taking care to add some core shadows to front trees roots to better blend them into the ground. And then with a paintbrush with a cloudy brush on like 3-5% opacity, dodge setting. Pick a color that compliments the surrounding area/lighting, and then randomly paint the trees that generally catch the most light. (Side note: it is easier to keep track if you ALWAYS have your light come from one direction)

A_Niwlen Spine_v5.jpeg