The gate to the north is interesting. It opens on ocean. I'm guessing there will be docks there eventually?
So I've stuck my hand back into the Town building scheme... Who ever said that Town building was a sink whole of time.... I never believed them, until now! haha I've tried many times to do a town map, and... well... cheated my way through as much of it as possible (short cuts, simple patterns etc)... So heres my attempt, so far at tackling a real city.
I have Ascension's town tutorial to thank, for some of the styles and processes (highly adapted and changed around with my own textures etc) This is just the Palace area, and "Noble area." I'm still debating on how I want to do roofs, and will soon be laying the foundation to the rest of the city.
Ideas, advice, techniques, anything would be wonderful!
p.s. This is a map from my Continent of Cairan, Kingdom of Torovia maps.
My Finished Maps :: My Challenge Maps :: My Tutorials :: The World of Ashlon- My Obsidian Portal/World BuilderProjects
WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...
Back Burner :: World Map
Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!
The gate to the north is interesting. It opens on ocean. I'm guessing there will be docks there eventually?
The first idea was a Bridge, but I'm thinking an Alcatraz prison kind of a thing. So we got the gates that lead to a dock for royal visits/ferry to the prison. Still trying to figure out what to do... I'm horrible at visual representation, so I'm just playing it by ear with the trial and error process... There will be other districts heading south and east(North East) of the palace area.
Last edited by Yandor; 08-10-2011 at 12:36 AM.
My Finished Maps :: My Challenge Maps :: My Tutorials :: The World of Ashlon- My Obsidian Portal/World BuilderProjects
WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...
Back Burner :: World Map
Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!
Well, for what its worth, I think its an awesome start.
A Bit more of it being done, I made an attempt at the docks... haha can't say I like them all that much, i still think they are a bit large... Anyways still ideas, comments or anything would be of great help!
My Finished Maps :: My Challenge Maps :: My Tutorials :: The World of Ashlon- My Obsidian Portal/World BuilderProjects
WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...
Back Burner :: World Map
Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!
I think what the docks need are some drop shadows, what texture did you use for the sea/shallow floor and how did you implement it? It looks nice, will be interesting to see this progress.
People come and people go. I walk amongst them, I see their faces; but none see mine. I pass them in the streets but nary a glance is spared my way, for what interest would they have in a Wanderer? Not of this world... Forever Alone... Forever Wandering... LoneWandererD...
My DeviantART
Finished Maps
RIP Angel "Ingy" Yates - The first inspiration that guided me towards art. You will be missed...
Thanks D, I added a bit of shadow to it. As for the the pattern its the one I've attached. Well as for how I did it, I did Ascension's shore part of the Town Tutorial and just kind of spun it in my own way.
I've got 6 layers, starting from bottom to top of the stack
1 Base Layer with fill of 6dd0f7, Pattern overlay, Linear Light, 20 Opac, 50 Scale, Color overlay 6dcff6, Hardlight, 95 Opac
2 Fill of 003663, having a large feather, and had it contracted in (with an ocean selection) to make the darker shallow area. 40 Opac
3 Fill of 3e5778, Contracting even more then layer 2, and about the same feather (I think I contracted 100 for the first with 50 feather, then this one I did 200 or 300 contract with a 100 feather) this was to make the deeper ocean, set to Saturation
4 Fill of 003663 and this is to fill the opposite end (shallow end) of the previous layer (layer 3) same contract and feather but inverted, 90 Opac, and set to Saturation
5 Fill of 003663 with the same selection as layer 3 (I wanted a deeper blue for the deeper end)
6 then I selected the original water base (with a feather ended at the shore) and filled with 50% gray, set to Saturation and 30 opacity
Thats all of it!
Last edited by Yandor; 08-10-2011 at 12:31 PM.
My Finished Maps :: My Challenge Maps :: My Tutorials :: The World of Ashlon- My Obsidian Portal/World BuilderProjects
WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...
Back Burner :: World Map
Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!
Thanks Yandor. Will definately be giving this method a try.
People come and people go. I walk amongst them, I see their faces; but none see mine. I pass them in the streets but nary a glance is spared my way, for what interest would they have in a Wanderer? Not of this world... Forever Alone... Forever Wandering... LoneWandererD...
My DeviantART
Finished Maps
RIP Angel "Ingy" Yates - The first inspiration that guided me towards art. You will be missed...
I think this is coming along quite nicely, towns are hard.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Thanks for the encouragement SG, and they are a pain...
Anyways I've made a bit more progess (haven't had all that much time to work on it, I still don't know if I want this style of housing, or use the kind of square idea, where you have buildings lining a block of roads and a green area in the middle... I may end up doing sections of both, we'll see I guess.
So I added in the Prison (yes its bigger than the Palace, but thats intended, its suppose to be the prison of Torovia, anyone captured is taken there. I shorted up the palace docks as well. Also added in 1 section of housing/quarters, still have 2 others and a dock area/industry area to do.
My Finished Maps :: My Challenge Maps :: My Tutorials :: The World of Ashlon- My Obsidian Portal/World BuilderProjects
WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...
Back Burner :: World Map
Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!