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Thread: Skyrim

  1. #1
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    I was wondering if any of you had already bought Skyrim and if so, what you think of it?

    I have to admit I am sorely tempted with it, even though I could never get into Oblivion. In the reviews I've read it does sound like they've improved many of the problems I had with that game and now I'm umming and arring over whether to go for it or not. I so wanted to like Oblivion but there was just something missing.

    I loved Morrowind by the way. Played that through several times. If I remember correctly though it was too easy to get the Umbra sword at the beginning which you could use right up until the end of the game. Unless you got that other one... don't remember the name but it was totally overpowered. Ah... halcyon days.
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  2. #2
    Community Leader Lukc's Avatar
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    Well, from what I've seen of Skyrim at a friend's place, the thing that struck me right off the bat is that it's a console-to-PC port, which means that the mouse is not used very well in the interfaces ... for example, you have to scroll through menu items instead of just clicking them. But I haven't tried any more of it so far.

  3. #3


    Wait a few months and it'll likely be 25-50% cheaper, bugs will be fixed, and DLC may be included.

  4. #4
    Community Leader Lukc's Avatar
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    Ok, I've fiddled with it a bit more. Basically, the interface is for consoles and terribly annoying ... BUT ... the scenery and the combats and the atmosphere ... wow. I mean, even basic zombies feel scary, and the whole combat thing is pretty well done.

  5. #5
    Guild Member Gan's Avatar
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    More than a game with bugs, Oblivion seems a game built around a bug. (Quote from a friend of mine.)

    Anyway, I played all the TES except the first, and I'm not gonna buy this new one. Too much marketing, overvalution etc.

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected JoeyD473's Avatar
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    I haven't played it yet because I also got into the SW ToR stress test this weekend, but from what little i saw it is a PC to console port, not teh other way. My copy also came with an awesome map.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    Its really good so far except for a few minor ones.. Like hitting someone in the head with a axe and blood spurting from their crotch, much better then Oblivion but the PC could be better, so I play it on Xbox. But its still worth it to just gauck at and the combat if you can handle the interface.

  8. #8
    Community Leader Lukc's Avatar
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    Ok, in the words of my friend:

    "The first day, I was, like, this is totally FTW.
    The second day I was down to FT
    By the third day I was feeling F...
    By the fourth I had gotten to Fu..."

    I tried it a bit more, and I've got some gripes, mostly about the interface, since it's a pretty straight xbox-to-PC port. The interface, I've mentioned. Horrible. Horrible horrible. Even with the first patch, the world map keeps on moving my cursor around to "help me", since I obviously have an inaccurate mouse.

    On the other hand, without any kind of aim assistance, shooting with a bow is ridiculously hard when something is moving. No comparison with the difficulty of swinging a sword at all. The weapons seem to follow the same system from Morrowind (I skipped Oblivion), where you basically have a mace, a sword and an axe, and two-handed versions of those. Which gets a bit old.

    The animations get boring, particularly the walking and jumping of the character just DOES NOT compare with what you see in, say Assassin's Creed II (the fluid motion of that guy is just ridiculous). If I see another frog jump, I'm going to be ... hmm ... miffed.

    No minimap and nothing to help you find quest-givers. Not even a little glowy sign over their heads. This is annoying. The world-map and the local maps are NOT GOOD - which is something that needs emphasis on this forum, of all places. Particularly in towns, I never know where I am, who I'm supposed to find or where. It's fun for a bit, but after a while I'd like at least an option to just point me in the right direction. Also, the quest-givers move around ... so ... you complete the quest, go look for the jarl (local lord) and ... his wife is sitting on the throne and he's not there. There's no option to ASK anyone, "Where be yon jarl, good thrall?". No. The NPCs don't give a sh** where the jarl is. In the end, I find him in my room in the inn. That was a really weird one, no two ways about it.

    But I've only played it on two days, so ... it might get worse. :S

  9. #9


    I'm playing it on PC and, after about 30 minutes or so to get the basics of the interface down, I'm having no trouble at all with it. I'm kinda surprised at how many people are noting issues with the interface. There are short-cut keys for pretty much everything you need to do, and you can assign them besides that, such as assigning items in your Favorites list to 1-8, etc. I swap between weapons and/or spells pretty swiftly while in combat, etc.

    Aside from that, I'm freaking loving it so far. The farther in I get, the more I see and do, the more I'm loving it. Mileage will vary I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lukc View Post
    I tried it a bit more, and I've got some gripes, mostly about the interface, since it's a pretty straight xbox-to-PC port. The interface, I've mentioned. Horrible. Horrible horrible. Even with the first patch, the world map keeps on moving my cursor around to "help me", since I obviously have an inaccurate mouse.
    Can't say I've had that issue at all. The map screen is pretty intuitive and easy to use in my experience. Again.. mileage may vary on that, of course. Though I typically move it around with the keys instead of the mouse, so maybe that's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lukc View Post
    On the other hand, without any kind of aim assistance, shooting with a bow is ridiculously hard when something is moving. No comparison with the difficulty of swinging a sword at all. The weapons seem to follow the same system from Morrowind (I skipped Oblivion), where you basically have a mace, a sword and an axe, and two-handed versions of those. Which gets a bit old.
    I've always found unassisted range combat to be tougher than close-range melee... primarily because it's far easier to hit something that's 2 feet in front of you and probably hitting you as well, than something that is farther away and moving. That said, I really like the unassisted ranged combat... I have to either get in close enough without them seeing me and then get a shot or two off, which knocks a respectable amount of health off right off the bat, unless they're a lot tougher than me. Usually the first one will leave them momentarily "dazed" before they start coming at you, which leaves time, usually, for two good shots; which is sometimes enough to kill them so the fight is over before it's really begun.

    If I don't get them in the first couple shots, then it's a matter of leading them with my bow and timing it to try and hit them, which I enjoy far more than assisted targeting. It puts me more in control of where my shots are going, instead of letting the game "help me" with them.

    Of course, after a point, I don't even bother with the bow anymore and pull out the sword and shield to finish them off that way, which is a lot of fun, too, with the ability to block using the shield and, having your first Shout, being able to knock them back if you need a moment to gather yourself, heal yourself, etc.

    The use of potions and such I find to be really useful, too. I've won a couple fights I'd have otherwise lost (but were still close) due to having them handy. I don't just mean health or mana potions, but ones that mitigate the effects of cold-based attacks temporarily, etc...

    My one complaint would be that there could be more of a sense of "contact" when fighting. It feels a bit "airy" to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lukc View Post
    The animations get boring, particularly the walking and jumping of the character just DOES NOT compare with what you see in, say Assassin's Creed II (the fluid motion of that guy is just ridiculous). If I see another frog jump, I'm going to be ... hmm ... miffed.
    Two different games, two different developers. I'm sure you could find things in Assassin's Creed that you feel aren't as well done as they could be, compared to other games, etc.

    I'm okay with the run and walk animations. The jumps... eh... I can take them or leave them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lukc View Post
    No minimap and nothing to help you find quest-givers. Not even a little glowy sign over their heads. This is annoying. The world-map and the local maps are NOT GOOD - which is something that needs emphasis on this forum, of all places. Particularly in towns, I never know where I am, who I'm supposed to find or where. It's fun for a bit, but after a while I'd like at least an option to just point me in the right direction. Also, the quest-givers move around ... so ... you complete the quest, go look for the jarl (local lord) and ... his wife is sitting on the throne and he's not there. There's no option to ASK anyone, "Where be yon jarl, good thrall?". No. The NPCs don't give a sh** where the jarl is. In the end, I find him in my room in the inn. That was a really weird one, no two ways about it.
    I think you've been spoiled .

    Thank GOD there's no !'s or other objects over their heads, in my opinion.

    The TES games are about immersing you in a world, not guiding you along in a game. They're very much about the journey. The idea is to choose your own path, seek out your own adventures, talk to people, see what they have to say.. help them out, or don't help them out, etc. That's the core difference between the TES games and many others out there now. It's one of the few that hasn't resorted to all-out hand-holding and "color-by-numbers" style quest progress... I, for one love it that way.

    As for finding the locations for quests ,etc... The game does give you those indications on the map, in myriad ways. You have to make sure you're tracking them, but it absolutely does. In fact, if there's a location you need to go to for an active quest, it will show an icon on your compass, it'll show as a slightly pulsing icon on the world map, it'll show on the local map where to go, there will be an icon on the door you need to enter/exit to get to the location, and there will be an icon over the NPC you need to talk to once you've located them. There's quite a lot of guidance in that regard. I located an NPC I need entirely on one occasion by following those, before I had a better grasp of where everything was.

    As for NPCs moving around, I think that's awesome as well. I remember coming into town a couple times early morning, to see a NPC walking from their home to their business and getting their work day started. NPCs aren't just static quest dispensers standing around idle, waiting for you to come up and help them. They have lives of their own, responsibilities, problems, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lukc View Post
    But I've only played it on two days, so ... it might get worse. :S
    Well if you're going into it looking for things to make it seem worse... you'll probably find them.
    Last edited by Preypacer; 11-14-2011 at 12:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Guild Adept moutarde's Avatar
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    I've been playing it pretty much non-stop since release Yes, it's a console-to-PC port, but so was Oblivion. I can live with that.

    IMO, Morrowind was (and probably still is) the best of the Elder Scrolls games, but Skyrim is definitely better than Oblivion from what I've seen so far, though I havn't advanced the main quest too far, so hopefully there's nothing like "Clear 10 oblivion gates to advance to the next part of the main quest." Dragons seem kind of weak. Giants are tougher to kill than a dragon. The in-game main map is HORRIBLE, but it comes with a nice printed map that's pretty decent. Wouldn't win a challenge here, but still pretty good Playing as a mage is a lot more feasible than in the previous games. The are plenty of perks and equipment that you can get to make mana management much, much easier. Warrior is the same as ever, pretty easy going. Have yet to try a stealth character though, so that remains to be seen. Also, apparently there's a very amusing bug, where if you put a bucket on somebody's head, it will break their line of sight to everything nearby, meaning you can freely steal and murder in front of said bucker-wearer

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