Ok, so I figured I would get a place holder up in in case someone wants to do any mapping for the June contest.

Charnok is a cold, fairly desolate place. Almost totally mountainous terrain, Charnok is home to very few civalized human settlements, mostly on the south western corner. Other notable features:

  • Two large dwarven kingdoms: Gnar Chertok and Gral Methoras
  • Tal Dra`Quinlith: a hidden elven kingdom. Basically, think Rivendell, a place magically protected from the cold/weather and easy outside access located somewhere in a large mountain valley
  • 5-6 major barbarian tribes of 150 or so residents each and 2-3 times that number of small ones of 30-40 people each. All are nomadic, but there are a few semi permanent lodge structures and a permanent setup somewhere which is used for yearly clan meetings. A few of the clans reluctantly trade with the dwarves and a few others trade with the civilized settlements.
  • There are several ruined keeps and 2 towers, all of which were abandoned (as far as we know) between 100 and 1200 years ago. The barbarians stay away from most of them. These are mostly on remote mountain top peaks or valleys.
  • Tons a Reindeer, Elk, etc, both wild and tended by the Barbarian tribes.
  • On the north side of the map, there is an Ice Giant settlement that houses 300+ giants over a 50 mile area of the northern mountain range. No humans dare venture into this area for obvious reasons. They occasionally make extended raids against barbarian tribes that happen to be in the area. Every 50 years or so, they attack nearby outposts of Gnar Chertok, though there are rarely many casualties on the giants side, the dwarves usually take a few hundred losses. Rarely do the giants actually attempt to break through the main gates due to the strength of the gates.
  • Various orc and goblin hiddy holes hidden in caves throughout the region. of course, there are various skirmishes with the dwarves, mostly underground.
  • At least 1 white dragon (Belamytharandus) lives in the region with brood of 5 wymlings. Mostly content to feed on the abundant livestock, she occasionally ranges far and attacks either barbarian tribes or even one of the towns on rare occasions, though most think this is more for her amusement that for food.
