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Thread: Fractal Terrains PRO: .Bin files

  1. #11
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    In FT Pro and Wilbur, a binary file is an uncomrpessed rectangular raster of data. In short, it's a very simple image. Given the material that you're starting from, Ralf's Jhendor tutorial mentioned above is a workable process to use. There appears to be a bug in the most recent update (2.3) that causes problems when using binary files, however.

    FT Pro has a tool intended for converting colors to directly to altitudes. Use Image Overlays>>Color to Altitude Conversion and follow the steps indicated.

  2. #12


    All i needed was a kick in the right direction. Ralph's Tutorial and Wilbur programs was all i needed to spark my project.

    Thank you all for your responses. They were insightful.

    The truth detective

  3. #13


    Well i've tried the tutorial Ralph made for his Jendhor world but it's a bit out of date. Wilbur has changed significantly since then and some functionality were changed. I tried to follow his guidelines as close as possible but i fail to produce interesting results.

    The way hight levels are entered has changed and there a new extensions that are handled by FTRPO. All in all, no luck producing my relief map but i'm still trying.

    Here's hoping i find the light.

    Thanks again for all your help.

    The truth detective

  4. #14


    Well, the search is over. I was able to import my map in FR pro. For more details, see my WIP project

    Thanks again.

    The truth detective

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