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Thread: Some fractal terrain questions

  1. #51
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Ok but you got the issue , I am not able to avoid the bull's eye effect created everytime I paint in the temperatures , I am using the C , I press it enables then change to 0.1 the value , set to add or subtract ( can't find a function that says replace like umposing only a flat temperature ) then I click ok and I start painting but after I paint sometimes works on the borders of a temperature but others create thin stripes of temperature around a cyclonstyle eye , can't cntrol it effectively without having to change in and out all time the c ( pressing a second time disables it ) .
    Wonderint then is it possible to paint in a similar fashion ( like a moving brush that increases progressively the contourns colors along a lookup table ) outside FT perhaps in Photoshop?

    I am really trying to make the painting of temperature and wettness work but to no extent , also what actually influences the climates? Not only temperatures and wettness? Because I see that sometimes a climate biome jumps not to the next but to another , when I expect in a temperate latitude to paint a lower temperature I shouln't get tropical bush but temperate forest , increasing temperature leads to desert and savannah .

    Is there a way tp paint those in similar but working fashion in photoshop perhaps?
    Last edited by Naima; 07-25-2014 at 04:19 AM.

  2. #52
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The bullseye is most likely happening because you're using a round brush with a conical pattern. Try making a noisy-edged brush in Photoshop and see if that helps. The painting tools in FT are fairly primitive, though. Note that painting with a "value" brush will set the editing values to exactly what you'd like. If you want to eliminate the fractal offsets for temperature, go to the World Settings property sheet, temperature page, click "Specify Base Temperature" and set Random and Variance to 0. The only contributions will then be from the Base value on that property page and the loss in temperature due to altitude. There are similar controls on the Rainfall tab (the only effects will be reduced rainfall from the temperature drop).

    Note that you do have the option to get a roughly constant amount of temperature and rainfall in an area by selecting the area and using Tools>>Global Set>>Temperature Value or Tools>>Global Set>>Rainfall Value. These features adjust the temperature or rainfall editing channels in the selection to get to the desired temperature. Remember to feather your selection before running these operations to get smooth transitions.

    The only inputs to selecting the climate are temperature and rainfall. rainfall is dependent on temperature to some extent. I should probably add a "let me paint in exactly what I want" option some day.

  3. #53
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Hi I was trying to add fractal noise in wilbur over a specific region , but no mattter what I change the numbers to I always get a Flat LArge empty hole in the terrain , any ideas on how to fine tune that? I want it simply to add small fractal multiridged new noise on the land .

  4. #54
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Try setting the operation to "Add" instead of "Replace".

  5. #55
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    thanks can u tell me how can do to rise and make higher a certain mountain range? I have a set of mountans and I would like to make them higher but not destroy the surrounding terrain , I tried selecting and use span , 1000 to 2000 but it changed the whole world regardless of the selection .

  6. #56
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    drawing a selection around your area of interest and use Filter>>Fill>>Mound with an Operation of Add.

  7. #57
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    thanks ....

    Here I got another weird problem , I decided to first increase the height range in FT and then export so instead than a -11000 to 11000 terrain I set up the height range in the parameters of the FT world to -11000 to 22000 to have then a higher range in wilbur ....

    Then I imported in wilbur and I did a couple of erosions under the sea but I couln't appreciate anything special , so I did a Basin fill on all world with generic settings of -1 and I got this weird result ...
    why that?


  8. #58
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Interesting. It looks suspiciously like you've hit an internal limit on the basin fill operation. I would hazard a guess that your surface is very large. In an ideal world, that sort of thing would be a configuration option.

    If the world isn't particularly large, try saving the MDR in Wilbur, exiting Wilbur, and loading the MDR again (Wilbur should have no problems handling its own MDR files). Then see if you get the same result. It's possible that there might be some internal memory layout things that are causing problems.
    Last edited by waldronate; 07-27-2014 at 08:41 PM.

  9. #59
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Its 16384x8192

    I have saved as mdr file , closed and reloaded, then I have selected all and applied the fill basins and I get the same results ... Any other solutions?

  10. #60
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    I would describe that as a large surface. I upped the limit for the 1.82 x64 version of Wilbur; see if that helps.

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