This was an unusual commission from Guild Member Chris who commissioned me to create the terrain and city walls of a city called Menzheim. As I've worked with Chris before on Oasis Suruq I accepted it even though it would lead to an unfinished work. I'd like to thank Chris for commissioning the original that became this.

After a while I realized that I would just have to finish it with buildings and such.
After a long time working on it I have finally completed it. I'm quite proud of this one.
I wasn't sure what language Menzheim was supposed to be - so I created a faux language to accompany the map and make it fit the title.
These words do have meanings though they are not from any true language but are similar to words in Icelandic, Welsh, Swedish, Finish, Irish, and some others as I referenced those to arrive at the words I created here. I may create an english version, but it will have to wait till later.
JS Menzheim [final-L] by sirinkman.jpg