After 5 years I did a one page dungeon again.

I started on this map on Saturday. It looked like this:

2017 big pineapple opd teleportation administration substation@0,5x.jpg

Saturday evening was miffed. So I redid it on Sunday morning.

OPD17-TAS-Big Pineapple-numbered low-res.jpg

Then I gussied it up with additional information and text.


P.S. - I am now based in South Korea. So, if you're in the US, please, please explain to the media and your lawmakers and your executive that nobody in any of the countries around here wants a war. Nothing has changed compared to a year ago and the only country screaming "War! War! Fight! Crisis!" in the region is the USofA. Possibly something to do with the record low ratings of the US executive.