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Thread: Some fractal terrain questions

  1. #91
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    If you got a flat ocean, you probably didn't have a selection for just the land area or you forgot to change the values on min and max.

    The gridlines thing is a new one to me. Try turning off "Adaptive Grid Resolution" and moving the "Subdivision Level" slider to 32.

  2. #92
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    All of a sudden Wilbur is not working anymore, whenever I launch the application it says Wilbur executable stopped working , I tried redownload and repair, and same result, so I uninstalled and reinstalled same result .. .what can I do to make it work again ?
    here the details of issue :

    Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
    Nome applicazione: Wilburx64.exe
    Versione applicazione:
    Timestamp applicazione: 53d722a1
    Nome modulo con errori: Wilburx64.exe
    Versione modulo con errori:
    Timestamp modulo con errori: 53d722a1
    Codice eccezione: c0000005
    Offset eccezione: 0000000000047b90
    Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
    ID impostazioni locali: 1040
    Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 6cfc
    Ulteriori informazioni 2: 6cfc18d41fdee59202d81425c116c832
    Ulteriori informazioni 3: 2e4c
    Ulteriori informazioni 4: 2e4c45bb94334b28f8ac415188937dfc

    I didn't do anything special last time I coudl use I saved and quitted program and pc . then later reopened and doesnt launch .

    Last edited by Naima; 08-05-2014 at 01:55 PM.

  3. #93
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    tried redownloading c++ 2010 executable , and nothing changed still crash at launch as aboove... I see actually no reasonwhy it shouln't work , it worked for whole day and after the pause Ididnt d oanything speciall to it ....

  4. #94
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    I really dunno what's going on , its several hours I am trying to fix the problem , I tired to launch pc from safe mod and the tool doesn't work , same problem .
    I uninstalled, switched off reinstalled switched off launched, same problem , I tried redownloading all latest c++ redistributable , no solution .
    I tried all but nothing is working , I always get a appcrash and " wilbur64 stopped working message " ... I am freaking out now I really hope you can help me get it to work again .....

  5. #95
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    Take a deep breath. Relax.

    The most likely cause of the problem is a corrupted registry setting for Wilbur.

    Before you start, backing up your registry is a good idea (there are many good tutorials for this on the Web).

    Open REGEDIT.EXE so that you can remove the Wilbur registry keys. Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Slayton Software" in REGEDIT. Delete the Wilbur section. Exit Regedit.

    Wilbur should start correctly.

    Note that if you want, you can delete the whole Slayton Software section, but that will also eat your active FT settings (not any worlds or definition files, just things like screen placement).

  6. #96
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Hahhaha .... Dance of Joy
    I did indeed open the registry files looking for wilbur but I couln't find ^^ ... thanks now works yeah :p ....

  7. #97
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Btw , when I did the height clip , I have some coastal borders that are fine and at the sea level , but others are like 100 - 200 m on the sea level , is there any trick to bring most of those more hight shores at the same level of the others without destroying the coastline?

  8. #98
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    Select>>From Terrain>>Height Range with minimum = 0 and maximum = 10000000 to select the land.
    Select>>Modify>>Border with a range that you'd like (15 or so is likely a good starting point)
    Filter>>Fill>>Mound with minimum of 1.0, maximum of 0.2, and operation of Multiply.

    This set of operations should scale the areas directly along the coastline by 0.2, increasing to the edge of the selection, where it scales by 1.0 (that is, no effect). This technique will (should) bring areas right along 0 altitude (the coast) down to 0.2 times their previous value while leaving those more than a few samples away from the coast unaffected.

    A similar result can be obtained by:

    Select>>From Terrain>>Height Range with minimum = 0 and maximum = 10000000 to select the land.
    Select>>Modify>>Border with a range that you'd like (15 or so is likely a good starting point)
    Select>>Feather with a value that you'd like for smoothing (2 or 3 is a good value).
    Filter>>Fill>>Set Value with a value of 0.2 and an operation of multiply.

    This result is somewhat different because the topology of the coastline will affect the result because the result of the feather operation is dependent on how many pixels are in the local area and that result controls how strongly the multiply by 0.2 is applied.

  9. #99
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Ok I will try that ant tell you the ouctome ...

    I can't stop notice though that a lot of tools and erosion are in wilbur but not in fractal , why that ? Why not just bring all tools in FT too and also why I can easily save maps in right size while in FT i have to cut and then enlarge the map couse it not saves the actual told dimensions but the window taking also the empty areas .

  10. #100
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Also a very usefull thing woulkd be the possibility to pan around even when having open a window like for the incise flow function , so that while watching the preview , in other parts of the world , a lot of time I had to scrap what was done and go back because what looked good in a zone didn't in another , and I was in a zoomed in because from max zoom out is not possible to see details .

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